She's Simply Amazing

Zil Eiler | On The Little Things That Hold us Back

Episode Summary

When Zil came to America from Brazil she didn't know that you can't just show up at a friend's house without calling first. This is just one of the many cultural differences she had to learn. Zil experienced the overwhelm and anxiety of life that many of us feel when doing something new. But eventually took her challenges and began to develop practical solutions that worked for her and helped her create a thriving life coaching practice.

Episode Notes

A great discussion with Life Coach Zil Eiler. Zil has an incredible story of growing up in Brazil, finding her way to America, caring for ill family members, and eventually turning her life lessons into a successful coaching career. We chat with Zil about all those little things that hold us back from fulfilling the amazing potential we have. 

- Not trying to fix everyone around us
- Letting go of control
- Allowing "negative emotions" to teach us to strengthen us
- Recognizing that we deserve abundance in life

And so much more. I think you'll appreciate Zil's practical and pragmatic approach to life. She's got lots of great tips for all of us. 


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